Home Objective News Today MSN Weather picks up dark theme support for Insiders

MSN Weather picks up dark theme support for Insiders


Microsoft has rolled out an update to their Windows 10 MSN Weather, News, Sports and Money apps for Insiders on the fast ring.

There doesn’t seem to be many changes across the board but the Weather app now sports the option for a dark theme in line with MSN News and Sports app which received their respective dark theme updates a while ago.  Now users can choose from a dark theme, a light theme, or align with the Windows theme of choice,

Aside from that, all MSN apps now sit at version 4.20.933.0, with the latter three retrieving mere bug fixing updates.

The update is available for Windows 10 PCs and Windows phones on the latest Creators Update, and you can snag the Weather app from the store link below.

MSN Weather

Developer: Microsoft Corporation

Price: Free



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