Home Technology News Today MPV 0.22.0 Video Player Lands with New Options, AudioUnit Ou…

MPV 0.22.0 Video Player Lands with New Options, AudioUnit Ou…


The powerful, open-source, and cross-platform MPlayer-based MPV video player software has been updated earlier to version 0.22.0, a release that introduces a handful of new features, commands, and options, but also addresses many bugs.

MPV is a true cross-platform application, currently supported on GNU/Linux, macOS, BSD, and Microsoft Windows operating systems, and known to run on x86, IA-32, x86_64, ARM, PowerPC, and MIPS hardware architectures. According to the release notes, it looks like MPV 0.22.0 comes with an AudioUnit output driver for the iOS mobile OS, and introduces support for parsing Matroska (MKV) colorimetry metadata.

There’s also a new –hwdec=vdpau-copy mode that replaces vf_vdpaurb, and a few minor adjustments to the OSC (On Screen Controller), which was moved to the bottom of the screen starting with the 0.21.0 release of MPV. Among these OSC improvements, we can mention that the its once again possible to view the OSC just by moving the mouse anywhere on the screen, and there’s a rounded knob on the seekbar.

New commands and options, numerous bug fixes

Among the new commands and options introduced in the MPV 0.22.0 release, we can mention -opengl-early-flush=auto, –scale-taper, –scale-wtaper, –scale-wblur, and –hidpi-window-scale for Apple’s latest macOS Sierra 10.12 computer operating system. Additionally, the new MPV update adds script message handlers for playlists, tracks, and chapter.

As expected, numerous of the issues reported by users since last month’s MPV 0.21.0 update or previous release have been addressed in the MPV 0.22.0 milestone, which you can download for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows operating systems right now through our website or directly from the official homepage of the project. For more details about the bug fixes implemented, check out the changelog attached below.

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