Home PC Shop Catalogue Software Reviews and Comments MindTap Computing for Parsons’ New Perspectives Compute…

MindTap Computing for Parsons’ New Perspectives Compute…


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Please check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISBN-13 does not match this product (9781305656536) or its Printed Access Card equivalent (9781305656635) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor.

It’s 1 AM, there are 20 tabs open on your computer, you lost your flashcards for the test, and you’re so tired you can’t even read. It’d be nice if someone came up with a more efficient way of studying. Luckily, someone did. With a single login for MindTap Computing for Parsons’ New Perspectives Computer Concepts 2016 Enhanced, Comprehensive, 19th Edition, you can connect with your instructor, organize coursework, and have access to a range of study tools, including e-book and apps all in one place! Manage your time and workload without the hassle of heavy books: the MindTap Reader keeps all your notes together, lets you print the material, and will even read text out loud. Need extra practice? Find pre-populated flashcards with the MindTap Mobile App, as well as quizzes and important course alerts. Want to know where you stand? Use the Progress app to track your performance in relation to other students.

Instructor Assigned: Please be aware that the product you are purchasing is usable only if assigned by your instructor. If your instructor has not assigned this product, you should not continue with your purchase.^p


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