Home Objective News Today Microsoft second most loved brand in the US says Fjord and Accentur…

Microsoft second most loved brand in the US says Fjord and Accentur…



The Drum reports that after Apple Microsoft is the second most loved brand in USA, according to the proprietary Love Index, developed by analysts Accenture Interactive, and leading design consultancy Fjord.

The score is based on the performance of the brand in 5 key metrics Fun, Relevance, Engaging, Social and Helpful, with companies in US, UK and Brazil being scored by 27,000 consumers.

Accenture found digital giants like Google, Amazon and Netflix outperformed solely analog brands, with the top 10 brands looking like this:

  1. Apple
  2. Microsoft
  3. Netflix
  4. Samsung
  5. Sony
  6. Google
  7. Amazon
  8. Fitbit
  9. Facebook
  10. Walmart

Interestingly the list in UK looked very different, reading:

 Netflix, Google, Apple, Samsung, Sony, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Sky, eBay, and Virgin.

Brands did not score universally well in all dimensions, but tended to have strengths in certain sectors. Apple topped the list by being engaging, while Netflix scored for being fun. Amazon hit two dimensions by being helpful and relevant, while Facebook marked itself as engaging. Unfortunately Accenture did not list the strengths of Microsoft, but given their productivity and Xbox brands we suspect Microsoft may have scored well in both the fun and helpful dimensions.

Given the F.R.E.S.H dimensions, why do our readers think Microsoft scored so well? Let us know below.



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