Home Objective News Today Microsoft releases advanced search solution template for Bing News …

Microsoft releases advanced search solution template for Bing News …


Microsoft yesterday released the new Bing News advanced search solution template for Power BI. This new template allows you to match your interests with relevant articles from hundreds of different news providers using sophisticated machine learning techniques powered by Bing. It extends the Bing News Search capabilities by allowing users to filter on things like sentiment, topics, as well as organizing data into known locations people and organizations. In just a few minutes, you will be able to stand up an end-to-end pipeline that stiches together a whole range of Azure services including Azure SQL, Azure ML, Cognitive Services, Logic Apps, Azure Functions and more.


  • Get started quickly with pre-built data models for an advanced search experience
  • Use an intuitive wizard based UI to define your search queries and spin up the workflow
  • Leverage sophisticated machine learning algorithms including unsupervised and supervised models
  • Navigate seamlessly from the Power BI report to your chosen article in the browser

Learn more about it -.



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