Home Objective News Today Microsoft: Project Scorpio is making ‘amazing progress’

Microsoft: Project Scorpio is making ‘amazing progress’



At E3 earlier this year, Microsoft unveiled Project Scorpio — the next-gen Xbox console which will support 4K gaming and high fidelity virtual reality. Recently, Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox at Microsoft tweeted that their progress with Scorpio is “amazing”. “We are feeling good about schedule”, Spencer added:

This is quite exciting for Xbox fans who have been waiting for the Scorpio — but they’ll still have to wait about one year for the console to arrive as Micorsoft plans to launch the Scorpio in Holiday 2017. Here is a teaser for Project Scorpio:

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Project Scorpio is believed to be the most pwoerful console ever, but we don’t really not a lot about the console yet. Microsoft previously stated that Scorpio will not be a cheap device, and the technical specs of the console is yet to revealed as it is under development at the moment. When the Scorpio is officially launched, Microsoft will continue to support the Xbox One S as it will be part of the new Xbox One ecosystem. Therefore, any games that support the Xbox One S will run smoothly on Project Scorpio and most games for Project Scorpio should also run fine on the Xbox One S. However, as Project Scorpio will support 4K gaming, some games may not work on the Xbox One S which is quite reasonable.



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