Home Objective News Today Microsoft expands its Surface multi-national purchasing program to …

Microsoft expands its Surface multi-national purchasing program to …


Microsoft today announced that the company is expanding its Surface Multi-National Purchasing Program to Europe. The company is partnering with ATEA, Bechtle and Computacenter in Europe for the Surface Multi-National Purchasing Program. The Surface Multi-National Purchasing program, for those unfamiliar, is a streamlined method for Microsoft’s enterprise customers to get Surface devices on their company. Microsoft already works with resellers like CDW, Insight, SHI and Zones in the United States for the Surface Multi-National Purchasing program as well.

Palo Alto Networks, one of Microsoft’s customers who used the Surface Multi-National Purchasing Program stated:

“Zones has been incredible to work with on getting us globally set up on the Microsoft Surface. The speed and efficiency in enabling us on our pricing globally has made it easy for us to standardize all of our new hires on the Surface Book and Pro 4. Zones makes it even better with being able to order it via their global portal so any of my employees can order the Surface no matter where they are in the world.”

In addition to Europe, Microsoft says the company is working to bring the Surface Multi-National Purchasing Program to Asia-Pacific sometime very soon. If you are interested in the program. you will have to contact your Microsoft Account Executive for more info regarding how your company can benefit from the program.



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