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Microsoft Excel 2016 Charts & Sparklines Quick Referenc…


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Laminated quick reference card showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use Charts/Graphs and Sparklines features of Microsoft Office Excel 2016 (Windows Version). Written with Beezix’s trademark focus on clarity, accuracy, and the user’s perspective, this guide will be a valuable resource to improve your proficiency in using Excel 2016. This guide is suitable as a training handout, or simply an easy to use reference guide, for any type of user.

The following topics are covered:

Charts: Inserting a Chart, Inserting a Recommended Chart, Understanding Chart Types, Charting Non-Adjacent Data, Creating a Chart Using the Default Chart Type, Using Chart Buttons, Resizing a Chart in the Worksheet, Selecting Chart Objects, Changing Chart Type, Adding/Removing a Data Series, Adding and Adjusting Axis and Chart TItles, Switching Rows and Columns, Using Tables as a Data Source, Adjusting Scale, Creating a Chart with Two Scales, Adjusting the Legend, Using Gridlines, Adding Explanatory Text, Adding Visuals, Adding and Adjusting Data Labels, Exploding a Piece of a Pie Chart, Using Styles and Layouts, Moving a Chart to Another Worksheet, Adding a Projection or Trendline to a Data Series, Handling Hidden and Empty Cells in a Chart, Changing the Default Chart Type, Creating a Custom Chart Template, Applying a Custom Chart Type.

Sparklines: Creating a Sparkline, Grouping Sparklines, Changing Sparkline Type, Removing Sparklines, Customizing Sparklines with Text and Markers, Changing Marker Color, Changing Sparklines Color and Weight, Customizing Axis Settings, Handling Hidden and Empty Cells in Sparklines.

This guide is one of multiple titles available for Excel 2016, other Excel titles are: Excel 2016 Introduction (ISBN 1939791928); Excel 2016 Functions & Formulas (ISBN 9781939791979); Excel 2016 Tables, PivotTables, Sorting, Filtering & Inquire (ISBN 9781939791962); Excel 2016 Business Analytics & Power BI (ISBN 9781944684143); Excel 2016 Advanced Features & Macros (ISBN 9781944684082).


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