Home PC Shop Catalogue Software Reviews and Comments Microsoft Excel 2016 Advanced & Macros Quick Reference …

Microsoft Excel 2016 Advanced & Macros Quick Reference …


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Laminated quick reference guide showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use advanced features and macros in Microsoft Office Excel 2016. Written with Beezix’s trademark focus on clarity, accuracy, and the user’s perspective, this guide will be a valuable resource to improve your proficiency in using Microsoft Excel 2016. This guide is suitable as a training handout, or as an easy to use reference guide, for any type of user.

The following topics are covered:

Advanced Features: Organizing with Grouping – Manual, Automatic, Hiding or Displaying a Group, Ungrouping; Hiding Columns, Rows, or Sheets; Consolidating Data; Freezing or Splitting Rows/Columns; Using the Selection Pane; Conditional Formatting; Goal Seek; Scenarios; Converting Text to Data; Intercepting Entry Errors with Data Validation; Preventing Changes (Protecting Cells, Worksheets, and Workbooks); Quick Analysis..

Macros: Recording Workbook Actions; Running a Macro; Executing Macros Automatically; Saving a Macro; Showing the Developer Tab; Setting Macro Security; Assigning a Macro to a Worksheet Button; Assigning a Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar; Editing a Macro; VBA; Debugging VBA Code; Documenting VBA Code; VBA Examples: Subroutines, Function Macros; Macro Name Rules.


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