Home Technology News Today Man changes his name to "iPhone 7" so that he can …

Man changes his name to "iPhone 7" so that he can …


How far would you go to win a free smartphone? A computer company in Kiev promised a free Apple iPhone 7 to the first five people who legally changed their name to iPhone 7. So Ukraine resident Olexander Turin, all of 20 years of age, officially became iPhone Sim (Seven) and on Friday he picked up his free phone.

Looking at this strictly from the financial aspects of the contest, you’d have to be crazy not to take the computer company up on its offer. After all, in the Ukraine a new Apple iPhone 7 costs $850 USD, while it costs just $2 USD to have a name changed. Still, Sim’s friends and family were originally stunned to find out that he had gone through with this and had officially changed his name.

Looking ahead, Turin does not want his kids to have to answer to the iPhone 7 name, so he plans on switching back to Olexander Turin when he has children.

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source: KOMONews

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