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Make an App that will Stand Out in the App Store with the…


With hundreds of new apps being released every week on both Android and iOS app stores, it can be very easy to get lost in the crowd. But that does not mean you have no control over the fate of your app. Make an app that will stand out in the app store with these 5 tips that are easy to follow and implement.

Focus on Quality

No matter how unique your app may be in terms of the problem it is solving, it is not going to stand out until it is user-friendly and extensively tested. The app should be able to perform smoothly even in complex conditions. It should also have a rich user experience which can be achieved by running a beta run before the main launch. If there are too many features to be perfected in a short time span, consider releasing the app with few solid features and then add the rest of them gradually. Another important factor to keep in mind is the seamless compatibility of the application with differently sized screens and phone configurations.

Opt for App Optimization

Just like blogs and websites make use of Search Engine Optimization to be listed higher than their competitors, app developers employ various app optimization techniques to rank their app over others on the app store. Different parameters used to optimize an app include keywords, icons, title, description and screenshots. While experienced app developers prefer to optimize their app for the app store by themselves, this may not be possible for newer developers. They can thus use the services of professional optimizers who will deliver great results for a reasonable fee. This is an important part of the marketing strategy that can help your app attract more eye balls. Higher the visibility, greater the number of installs you can expect.

Stay Relevant

Many well-developed apps lose out because they offer an outdated experience to the end user. As an app developer, it is important to check out the new trends from time to time. For instance, a game app that uses older graphics is bound to get lost in the crowd and be beaten by apps that feature the latest better quality graphic. This logic extends to the backend technology as well. New technologies make it easier to tweak the app as per the changing trends and customer needs. The most important thing to remember here is that you app will only continue to succeed over a longer period of time if you can make sure to stay relevant with your target audience. Once your app becomes stagnant, so will your user base. If you have multiple developers working on an app, ask each member for their suggestions every few weeks regarding the current state and future potential of the app.

Invest in App Advertising

Another great way to increase your visibility is to invest in advertising on other apps developed by you or others. Many app monetization services have enabled developers to feature other relevant apps on their own application for a fee. You can start by identifying apps that may already be catering to your target group. For example, if you are developing a football game app, you can advertise on a sports news app. This way, you will be able to drive more people to install and at least give your work a try. With an increase in the number of installs of your app, you will see it rise above your competitors on the app store.

Perform the A/B Test

If you are unsure about few features being offered in your app, you can release two different versions – with tweaks made to those specific features. You can then analyse the performance of both these apps and see which one is doing better in the real world. It is a great idea to run A/B tests on your store listing to ensure that you are in fact delivering the best possible version of the app. Android developers can use the Google-developed A/B experiment option to help their app scale new heights.

These days, it’s not enough to simply design a good app. In order to succeed in the competitive world of apps, you must make an app that will stand out in the app tore with these 5 tips. Never stop the cycle of re-evaluating, re-developing, testing and updating and you’ll be on your way to having a successful app.

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