Home Technology News Today Mac vs. PC: Windows Desktops Up to $535 More Expensive than …

Mac vs. PC: Windows Desktops Up to $535 More Expensive than …


IBM Is one of the companies giving employees the option to choose between a PC and a Mac, and it turns out that the majority of workers go for the latter. And although at first glance this might seem like a very costly transition, it’s not, and IBM has recently explained why.

Attending the Jamf Nation User Conference, IBM VP of Workplace as a Service Fletcher Previn explained how his company is switching from PCs to Mac, revealing that the migration started in mid-2015 and still continues these days. More than 90,000 Macs have already been deployed within IBM, Previn revealed, and the firm has every reason to be very pleased about this.

It turns out that over a four-year lifespan, IBM can reduce costs by up to $543 per every Apple system, only by giving up on PCs. Depending on the model they choose, each employee can help save between $273 and $543 per each system, the IBM official said.

“And this reflects the best pricing we’ve ever gotten from Microsoft,” Previn was quoted as saying by Jamf, while also adding that 73 percent of the IBM employees have already decided their next computer to be a Mac.

100,000 Macs by the end of the year

Approximately 1,300 new Macs are deployed every week, and this makes IBM one of the largest customers for Apple, as the company expects to have more than 100,000 Macs up and running by the end of the year.

“The shortest distance to engaging employees is by what’s in their hand or what’s on their desk,” Previn said. “Every Mac we buy is in fact continuing to make and save IBM money.”

IBM transitioning to Macs and leaving PCs behind for so many employees is definitely a huge blow for Microsoft, especially given that the Redmond-based software giant is betting big on enterprises in its struggle to move the world to Windows 10.

Apple, however, has every reason to be pleased about this, not necessarily because IBM is thus purchasing an overwhelming number of computers, but thanks to the fact that other enterprises could follow its example and transition to Macs in the coming months and years.

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