Home Objective News Today Kodi AKA XBMC is coming to the Xbox One as a UWP...

Kodi AKA XBMC is coming to the Xbox One as a UWP app


Kodi, previously known as Xbox Media Centre (XBMC) recently came to the Windows Store as a Project Centennial app, but it appears the app was so well received that the company has decided to go for a full UWP app.

Neowin reports that at Microsoft’s Windows Developer Day event for the Creators Update, the company announced that the company will be converting their store app to a full UWP app, destined for the Xbox One, which could bring Xbox Media Center full circle from its start on the original Xbox.

The company did not give a time scale for the release of the app, but the news suggests success may be possible for some apps in the Windows Store, and that there may be some mileage in Microsoft’s Project Centennial strategy.

The Win32 version of the app can be found in the store below:


Developer: XBMC Foundation

Price: Free



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