Home IT Info News Today Kaspersky Lab Report Identifies Top Data Breach Causes

Kaspersky Lab Report Identifies Top Data Breach Causes


There are many different viewpoints when it comes to IT security and the causes of enterprise data insecurity. In an effort to help provide some insight into how organizations around the world perceive security, Kaspersky Lab conducted a global study with B2B International of more than 4,000 business representatives from 25 countries. Globally, 20 percent of enterprises reported that they were the victim of four or more data breaches in the past year. In contrast, 44 percent of enterprises in North America were impacted by four or more breaches. What’s more, 50 percent of respondents in North America now assume that IT security will be compromised at some point, so they need to be prepared for to deal with any consequences. When asked about the organization’s most vulnerable areas, 54 percent of respondents globally indicated that inappropriate sharing of data via mobile devices is their top risk. Looking at the top causes for the most costly data breaches in North America, 22 percent identified viruses, malware and Trojans as top causes. In this slide show eWEEK examines some of the key findings in the Business Perception of IT Security report from Kaspersky Lab.

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