Home IT Info News Today “IT SCHOOL SAMSUNG” Project Received Runet Award 2016

“IT SCHOOL SAMSUNG” Project Received Runet Award 2016


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Samsung Electronics announced that its federal program of additional education “IT SCHOOL SAMSUNG” had received the Runet Award 2016 in the category “Science and education”. Runet Award is a prestigious high technology and internet award. 13th annual award ceremony “Runet Award 2016” took place on 22nd of November in Moscow.

“IT SCHOOL SAMSUNG” is a federal program of additional education on IT and programming basics. The project was initiated by Samsung with the aim of educating 5000 school children in more than 20 cities of Russia during 5 years. In its frameworks high school students, who are interested in high technologies, take several educational modules during a year, from the basics of programming on Java and to the basics of software backend development, etc. At the end of the course they defend their own projects – Android mobile apps – and receive certificates from Samsung. The certificates are being considered by enrolment boards of leading technical universities as an individual achievement and give additional points while entering them.

“As a high-tech industry leader Samsung aims at contributing to IT market development in Russia and worldwide and to increasing the country`s professional potential. Additional education project “IT SCHOOL SAMSUNG” serves this objective. Every year hundreds of young people participating in it begin their way in programming. We are happy to see their success and to get high appreciation of the experts. We are honored to receive this award”,  – said Sergey Pevnev, Head of Corporate relations and Government relations at Samsung Electronics CIS.

Samsung Electronics had also become the award`s winner in 2015. “LivePages” project – aiming at showing classics of Russian literature in a modern interactive format of a mobile app – received a prize in the special category “Mobile Runet”.

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