Home IT Hardware Assets HTC 10 will be updated to Android 7.0 Nougat in Q4 this...

HTC 10 will be updated to Android 7.0 Nougat in Q4 this ye…


Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer HTC today revealed on its Twitter page that it plans to release the Android 7.0 Nougat update for the HTC 10 in the fourth quarter of this year.

The update will first be rolled out to the unlocked variants of the HTC 10, so carrier variants may not receive the update this year. Once HTC is done rolling out Nougat to its 2016 flagship, it promises to start seeding the update to unlocked units of the One A9 and One M9 from last year. Again, if you own a carrier variant of the One A9 or the One M9, you are more likely to receive Nougat on your smartphone only in Q1 2017.

For now, it looks like none of the mid-range smartphones from HTC will be updated to Android 7.0.

Source: HTC (Twitter)

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