H&R Block At Home Premium + State 2011 Win [Download]
- Live tax advice
- Schedule C guidance
- Tax laws and planning resources
- Rental income deductions
- Advanced tax calculators
Guidance for all your personal tax situations. Federal forms and State forms. Step-by-step interviews guide you through a customized experience relevant to your tax situation. Everything you need to prepare your federal and state taxes in one complete program. H&R Block At Home: Premium–Self-Employed/Rental Property Owners, Federal + State H&R Block At Home Premium is the right choice for those with more complex tax situations to easily complete their federal and state returns. It includes the H&R Block tax expertise you trust–plus H&R Block’s maximum refund guarantee. H&R Block At Home Premium includes everything you need to easily complete your federal and state taxes–with the tax expertise you trust. With an easy-to-use interface, H&R Block At Home Premium searches for hundreds of deductions to get customers the biggest refund. Ideal for homeowners, investors, rental property owners, and self-employed Schedule C filers, the program includes features available only from H&R Block

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Everything worked well. A solution to registration glitch included,
I’ve used H&R Block’s tax software (formerly called TaxCut) every year since 1995. Several times when I saw a promotional deal I purchased both TaxCut and TurboTax to compare. I found that TurboTax did not do anything better than TaxCut while costing consistently more. In addition, I like the option of being able to file 5 free Federal e-files as I do taxes for other relatives who are less computer savvy.
H&R Block software also wins if compared to the free on-line options. I don’t like using the on-line tax programs for two reasons (1) I don’t want my financial data to be on someone’s web site (2) free offers include the Federal tax only.
This year I used a digital download for the first time rather than a boxed version. I liked the security of having a physical CD in case I need to re-install on another computer several years down the road. But you are supposed to be able to download the software again to a different computer and when the boxed version was not available I went digital.
Downloading the software was easy, however during the install I got an error registering the software. When I started the software it immediately gave me a prompt to enter a key-code which (the prompt said) I should have received in the email after purchasing the software. The email I received from Amazon contained no such key-code. I had to call Amazon support and they told me that this information can be found following these steps
1) Log into Amazon
2) Select Your Account at the top right of the page
3) Select Games and Software downloads which is towards the bottom of the long page you see when you log in
4) Then under H&R software entry you will see the key-code that you need to enter to unlock the software
Once this was done the rest of the software functions well. In fact it looked more polished than in prior years. I always had minor display problems because I use large fonts and they never scaled quite right. This year everything displayed perfectly.
I read one review which mentioned a problem with seeing selection boxes. The problem there most likely caused by low screen resolution. Both Windows and Mac minimum requirement for screen resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels or higher. At a lower resolution, there will be problem with display such as not seeing selection boxes. Screen resolution can be changed on your control panel by change PC’s display settings.
I did a preliminary tax return and below are my observations.
1. Copy and Paste from Interview screens is not possible. Sometimes I wish to do it for some issue as a reminder to myself. My solution is to do PrintScreen (holding ctl key, shift key, and PrintScreen key at the same time). This generates an image of the screen, which I paste into paint or photo editing software which I can print or save for later.
2. I don’t use the default location for the tax returns, as I want to my backup program to back up only the data not the software itself. The software does not initially remember this new location on startup, it tells me I have no returns. I needed to pick the return manually from the File menu, as it does remember recently used files. The third time I started the software, it finally knew the location of the tax return file.
3. Some forms (such as foreign tax credit over the limit to be directly on 1040) in the past required to be filled out without much assistance. This year the foreign tax credit form is more automated, when you hit next button it takes you to the next place on the form you need to fill out with explanations for each field (last your you were just presented the form to fill out on your own). This form is not that hard to do manually as this form does not change year to year.
4. I use large font option on my monitor display and in the past had display issues (some things were displayed on top of each other). This year all forms displayed properly with this option. This is the first time in all the years I’ve used H&R Block software that I have no complaint about the display and did not need to change my monitor settings just to do the tax preparation. Nice!
5. H&R Block charges $19.95 to e-file each state return. Of course, this charge can be avoided by printing the forms and mailing them in.
6. In prior years the package include DeductionPro software. This year, like last year, this software is only available as an online tool. I will not use software that requires me to put my financial data on their site, and DeductionPro wants to import the data to H&R web site, so I will not be using it. Disappointing.
7. The price on this package changes day to day. I found a nice tools that shows history of Amazon prices and allows you to generate an email alert when the price reaches our desired price…
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H&R Block At Home Premium + State 2011 Win [Download],
I had no problems downloading this program. It loaded fast and works as well as the c.d. versions I have used in the past. A previous review stated that some of the graphics are not right, but I have Windows 7 and have no problems. My wife’s computer is Windows Vista, and it works just fine on hers too.
If you download messes up, you need to re-download it, or you lose the key code, try the following….
A. After you login to Amazon, click on “Your Account” (located in upper right corner of web page).
B. Scroll down to the “Digital Management” section.
C. Under the “Digital Management” section, click on “Your Games And Software Library”.
D. Then you’ll see your H&R Block program that you purchased along with your key code.
E. Next, just click on the yellow “DOWNLOAD” button to the right of the description, and follow the instructions from there.
I installed this program on 2 different computers, both with different operating systems, and it works just fine on both. I hope this information helps.
Thankyou !!
(Follow Up on 1-1-2012) – One review stated that the pixel resolution might need to be raised to 1024 x 768 to correct display problems. Just for kicks, I lowered my pixel resolution and then ran the H&R Block software to see what would happen, and the other review was right. First problem was the “display error” boxes that popped up. After I got through that, the whole program graphics were messed up and I had no selection boxes to click on. I re-set my pixel resolution back to where it used to be, restarted my computer, and then everything worked great again. I’d say that if you can’t raise your pixel resolution on your computer, then you should not do the “download version”. Maybe the c.d. version will work, but you should check into that before purchasing.
Thank You
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Consistently the BEST,
The software is easy to use and navigate. I have 7 rental properties, capital gains, dividends, a small business—and it walks me though everything. I am very happy with the program. I use it on a MAC–it was very easy to install. (i am still running snow leopard and not sure if that makes a difference).
It comes with free audit support if you ever get audited. i’ve been audited two times—both times I won!!! It also includes a free phone call to a tax advisor but i didn’t need to use that as the program is self explanatory.
You get 5 free federal efiles but have to pay for the state efile.
After you are done, i encourage you to save a backup copy as a PDF. I learned the hard way that the on of the old pc versions i have can no longer be opened on the operating system i have on my pc so i can’t really access those taxes. But, if you save them as a pdf, you don’t need the H&R block program to open the document–any computer will always be able to open it. Lesson learned—luckily, those tax years were so long ago, that it didin’t ultimately matter. I don’t print my taxes as they are over 100 pages due to the rental properties, deductions, capital gains, dividends, and small business.
I would highly, highly recommend this program. It is a great value both because of its price and because it delivers a product far superior to the price they are asking (and superior to my experience with turbo tax
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