Home IT Hardware Assets How To Optimize Your Website For Mobile Phones (6 Quick T…

How To Optimize Your Website For Mobile Phones (6 Quick T…


Now everyone’s is moving from desktop to smartphones and see all the content on phones. Although user interface plays an important role create in phones-friendly design. When someone is on the phone, they expect a different experience one they’ll get on the standard website.

If we see visitors on the website they normally see few things like contact to call, address to your place, map of your location. Developing websites that are mobile-friendly, take a look at six quick tips on how to optimize your website design.

6 Tips To Optimize Your Website For Mobile Phones

1) Use Attractive Design and site layout

If the design is attractive, that will be easily viewable on different sizes of devices. The attractive design approach makes use of flexible layouts, flexible images. Phone web pages load slower than desktop web pages, so it’s important to keep a minimum number of pages. Keep the site layout as elegant as possible. Use a website builder such as SiteGround which is cheap and easy to use.


2) Take care of Font size and button size

For devices font size and button, size matters a lot on the website. Font size should be at least 14px this will help the user to read the content without zoom in and make it easy for users by adjusting your font size for maximum clarity. For labels and forms, the size should be 12px

3) Simplify and make a phone-friendly website

When you create a mobile website, you should know what content you’ll include and to figure out what content visitor will be looking for. It’s important to keep these steps as simple as possible and remove non-essential content form your website and users comes quickly, and they find easily what they want. If you want, you can see the list of the top 5 website builders for mobile phones.

4) Use HD Images in Website

High-resolution images are very important in the website they confirm your user interface is of a high standard. If we use low-resolution images on a website no one should visit your site, it will look like pixelated or blurry images. Now the device supports high-resolution display by using HD images user get a good user interface and experience on your website.

5) Allow your users to experience full website

No matter how much you worked hard on your phone site, how beautiful your phone site always includes a  “full site” option at the bottom of your website that’s why you made a site you want users to see it and love it. Most of the user’s still choose full site experience then why we compel them from experiencing it? If you do, you will surely lose a likely new customer just because you don’t want the user to get full site experience.

6) Test your website

When you finally make your phone site the last step was to test it many times as you can. Test your site with multiple devices if it’s iPhone, Windows, Tablets, Android. Test your site with every single device, every single page, user action, clicks. When you are testing keep yourself as a user or ask someone to test who didn’t design it.

Did these tips help you to optimize your website for mobile phones? Let us know in the comments

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