Home IT Info News Today Here’s how you can stop jumping back and forth between Google’s …

Here’s how you can stop jumping back and forth between Google’s …


Logistics are difficult, especially when every day you’re trying to keep track of 9 meetings, 13 phone calls, a dinner, a post-dinner, and a post-post-dinner.

In a recent update, Google has decided to do its part to make daily logistics easier by more fully integrating its Maps and Calendar offerings for Android users worldwide. Now when you open Google Maps, you’ll be able to see upcoming travel arrangements so you can quickly add them to your map for directions. This includes things like plane tickets, restaurant reservations and hotel bookings.mapping-voice-command

Once you select one of these upcoming events, the updated Maps will show you directions to your next engagement directly in the navigation window. This helps you keep things straight, without requiring you to constantly jump back and forth between the two apps. Just don’t forget to enter the location for events when you add them to your calendar, or even these new features can’t save you.

If it gets to be too much, you can dismiss upcoming events at will. Google even created a new personal content manager under the settings menu to toggle off what irritates you.

For now, these features are rolling out exclusively to users on Android devises. Also remember that to take full advantage of the update, you will need to remain signed into both applications on your phone. Three cheers for productivity!

Featured Image: Bloomberg / Contributor/Getty Images UNDER A Bloomberg / Contributor LICENSE

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