Home Technology News Today Here Are the Seven Candidates for Mozilla's New Logo

Here Are the Seven Candidates for Mozilla's New Logo


Two months after starting an “open rebranding” for the Foundation’s new logo, Mozilla has narrowed down the number of choices to seven design routes.

By “open branding” Mozilla didn’t ask for user submissions but said that the logo choice and as much as the input as possible would be coming from its users, not execs in a San Francisco office.

All seven logo candidates came from UK-based design firm Johnson Banks, who previously worked with Virgin, the London Science Museum, and the Guggenheim Museum.

Each logo candidate is unique in its own right and gives users good alternatives to choose a favorite from. The logos also have their unique names: The Eye, The Connector, The Open Button, Protocol, Wireframe World, The Impossible M, and Flik Flak.

Unfortunately, the design community was not impressed, according to feedback provided on Designer News, a website where designers and developers meet to share links and opinions. Disregarding the criticism, by far the top favorites were The Connector and Protocol.

The next step is for Mozilla to cut down the seven candidates to only three, which will receive further refinements and enter a round of consumer testing and live critique in mid-September. The Foundation hopes to have a final decision by the end of September.

You can click on the image below to start a gallery/slideshow of all the seven Mozilla logo candidates.

The Eye

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