Home General Various News Guru3D RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server Download v6.5.1 avai…

Guru3D RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server Download v6.5.1 avai…


For those that use MSI AfterBurner and have a thirst for on-screen overlays (yes all 99% of you). We just posted a new build of RTSS (Rivatuner Statistics Server). This version among others adresses a Battlefield 1 Fall Update crashing in DX12 mode.


  • Added power user oriented profile compatibility setting for DX1x applications concurrently accessing the swap chain from multiple rendering threads (e.g. DX12 rendering mode in Battlefield 1 Fall Update)
  • Added compatibility profile for Battlefield 1 Fall Update to address application hang/crash on startup issues in DX12 mode with On-Screen Display enabled
  • Added power user oriented profile setting, allowing you to customize framerate denominator for the built-in framerate limiter. The denominator can be customized to adjust the limit in fractional steps (e.g. denominator 10 to adjust the limit in 1/10 FPS steps)
  • Updated localizations
You can just download and update the binaries, there is no need to re-install AfterBurner.

Dowload here

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