Home Technology News Today Google Play Store has two apps on sale for a penny each

Google Play Store has two apps on sale for a penny each


Inside the Google Play Store, for the first time ever, there are a couple of apps that are priced at just 1 cent each. Those games include Lost Journey, a space based puzzle game, and an RPG title called Armpit Hero: VIP. Since no apps have ever been sold in the Google Play Store for just a penny, there is a strong possibility that the pricing of both apps was a mistake.

Apparently, some one involved with the Lost Journey game has a little issue with decimal points. The listing notes that the game, normally priced at 99 cents, has been reduced by 90%. That should have left a price of 10 cents or .10. Instead, the price is listed at .01 or 1 cent. Armpit Hero doesn’t mention anything about a sale though, and it also has a 1 cent or .01 pricing.

That would suggest that if there is an error, it would be on the part of Google. Both apps are still available for 1 cent each, and both are part of the Google Play Store’s Year End Deals sales discount event. If you’re interested in either app, simply click on the appropriate link below.

Download Lost Journey from the Google Play Store by clicking on this link.

Download Armpit Hero: VIP from the Google Play Store by clicking on this link.

source: AndroidAuthority

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