Home Technology News Today Google Introduces The Fun MyAndroid Taste Test With Personal…

Google Introduces The Fun MyAndroid Taste Test With Personal…


Google’s Android is big on customization features, as any Android-running smartphone user has the option to change the launcher, wallpaper, app icons and do much more on their devices. The Play Store offers a plenitude of options, there’s only the question of which one to pick.

Google has sought to answer this question and introduced a new section on its official Android website. Android.com is filled with all sorts of tips and information on how to use Android-running phones and make the most out of their features.

Question in myAndroid Taste Test

Question in myAndroid Taste Test

MyAndroid Taste Test requires you to take only a few minutes and answer a few fun questions to see which wallpaper, icons, launcher and other customization options best suit them. Interestingly, the first page includes a picture of the G6, the latest premium smartphone from LG.

Get suggestions of wallpapers, icons and launchers

The questions are based on your preferences when it comes to images, as well as information displayed on the home screen of your smartphone. You will have to pick from monochromatic or multicolor, warm or cold colors, vibrant or muted and so on.

You will also have to pick between types of animation, patterns, shapes, as well as pick from getting weather information, the news or quick access to music. Google also requires you to specify whether you’re an Android beginner, intermediate user or expert.

Results of myAndroid Taste Test

Results of myAndroid Taste Test

Once you’ve completed the test, you will receive suggestions of wallpapers that best suit your preferences, launchers that provide info on the home screen based on what you want to see first, as well as themes for icons and more.

Google also provides you with shortcuts to applications on the Play Store, so you can get widgets and keyboard themes that best suit you. If you’ve completed the test on your computer, you can access the links and push installs to your smartphone, so you wouldn’t have to manually search for the apps on your mobile device.

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