Home Technology News Today Google announces Android 7.1 Nougat, developer previews and …

Google announces Android 7.1 Nougat, developer previews and …


Google has formally introduced the Android 7.1 Nougat platform. This is the Android version currently running on the Pixel smartphones and developer preview images will soon be available for the Pixel C, Nexus 5X, and Nexus 6P, along with other devices at a later date. The company has briefly outlined the new features for developers contained in the developer preview.

Developers get to utilize an app shortcuts API (surface key actions directly in the launcher), support for circular app icons, wallpaper metadata (such as label, description, author, and URL), image keyboard support (apps can tell the keyboard what types of content they accept, and keyboards can deliver all of the images and other content that they offer to the user. ), and a storage manager intent (apps can take the user directly to a new Settings screen to clear unused files and free up space).

Initially, Google will release the Developer Preview for Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, and Pixel C devices. At the final release of the Android 7.1.x platform, due in early December, updates will be pushed to the full lineup of supported devices – Nexus 6, 5X, 6P, 9, Player, Pixel C, supported Android One devices, and the Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones. The update is a promising one and pushes the Android platform further into advancement.

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