Home General Various News Game of Thrones petition reaches 1M signatures forward of

Game of Thrones petition reaches 1M signatures forward of


Life is brief, tough and, almost certainly, in the end meaningless. In this age of instant fan service, it’s necessary to recollect you could’t at all times get what you need. That goes double relating to the ultimate season of a beloved tv sequence (I’m taking a look at you, The Wire). TV, like life, hardly ever has a satisfying ending.

But maybe the web — the reason for and resolution to all of life’s issues — can repair that. Irritated Games of Thrones followers have taken to that bastion the bastion of fan annoyance (no, not that one) Change.org in a futile hope of getting a remake of the present’s eighth and last sequence to finish factor they means they need.

As the petition has cruised previous a million signatures, its creators have penned a prediction and spoiler word to let signers know the place issues stand. Tempering expectations for the opportunity of a reshoot, it notes that the state of the world calls for escapism by way of sci-fi and fantasy like GoT and Star Wars.

“I didn’t make this petition to be an entitled, whiny fan,” the petition’s creator writes. “I made it because I was immensely disappointed and needed to vent. Do I have a solution? I’ve got plenty of ideas, but no, I’m not a Hollywood writer. But you don’t need to be a mechanic to know your car is broken.”

Who is aware of, possibly tonight’s last episode will make every thing proper. Perhaps it is going to be so good that the world’s companies and governments will be a part of forces to finish battle, obliterate poverty and create a weight-reduction plan soda that doesn’t style like a liquified pencil eraser. Or possibly we’ll all return to work to work on Monday understanding that it, like all of us might have been higher. And possibly, simply possibly true change begins with us, starting with canceling that HBO account.

Or possibly not. Barry remains to be fairly nice.

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