Home IT Info News Today Front Porch Digital Featured Products at the 2013 NAB Show

Front Porch Digital Featured Products at the 2013 NAB Show


DIVAdirector(R) V5.1 — Easy and Efficient Media Asset Management System
DIVAdirector(R) V5.1 is Front Porch Digital’s newest update to its DIVAdirector media asset management (MAM) system. It is a permission-based Web application that enables complete access to file-based content stored by DIVArchive(R) content storage management (CSM) systems. DIVAdirector V5.1 contains new features that make it even easier for any media organization with DIVArchive to manage its digital files, especially if that organization is using Front Porch Digital’s new LYNX(SM) platform for moving, archiving, and publishing video to the cloud.

With cloud operations starting to dominate the industry, DIVAdirector 5.1 addresses LYNX-specific workflows and requirements such as site awareness, with a single DIVAdirector system showing the enterprise content view of assets stored in different archive systems — local, networked, or cloud-based systems, or any combination thereof — with integrated user permissions controlling access.

Photo Link: www.wallstcom.com/FrontPorch/DIVAdirectorV5.1.zip
Photo Caption 1: DIVAdirector(R) V5.1 Organization and Clipboard
Photo Caption 2: DIVAdirector(R) V5.1 Organization and Shot Lists

LYNX(SM) — Cloud Content Storage Management System
LYNX(SM) from Front Porch Digital is the industry’s first enterprise-scale cloud implementation of content storage management (CSM). LYNX delivers adaptable on-demand scalability, reduces capital and operational costs, and revolutionizes the way media organizations manage assets. LYNX leverages the latest cloud and Web technologies to provide a range of networked and distributed solutions.

The company will show LYNXdr and LYNXlocal at NAB 2013. LYNXdr is a hosted disaster recovery service that allows global media enterprises to centralize critical assets and consolidate operations, and LYNXlocal is a simple extension to LYNX that operates locally as an appliance, caching cloud content and providing integration to specialized systems if needed. LYNXlocal is billed as a service element at a low monthly rate.

Photo link: www.wallstcom.com/FrontPorch/LYNXCubicCloud.zip
Photo Caption: LYNX(SM) Cloud-Based Content Storage Management

DIVArchive(R) V7.1 — Now for a Broader Array of Applications
At NAB 2013, Front Porch Digital will showcase its DIVArchive(R) V7.1 content storage management (CSM) system. New features and capabilities make the system ideal for a broader array of applications. The new AXF Explorer offers an intuitive interface for parsing Archive eXchange Format (AXF) objects, with straightforward operations that are performed using drag-and-drop procedures just like in the Windows(R) operating system. DIVArchive V7.1 also enables a complete range of world-class video transcoding and workflows and is directly integrated with Telestream’s Vantage(R) Transcode and Vantage Transcode(R) Pro. The enhancements to DIVArchive extend its applicability to media operations of every kind — broadcasters, educational and heritage institutions, the film industry, and government entities. With its unique ability to interconnect every element of operations from archive to production to transmission, DIVArchive V7.1 becomes the highly effective foundation on which to base cost-effective, seamless file-based workflows.

Photo Link: www.wallstcom.com/FrontPorch/DIVArchiveScreen.zip
Photo Caption: DIVArchive(R) Content Storage Management System

DIVASolutions SAMMA(R) Migration Systems
Front Porch Digital will also showcase its SAMMA(R) product lines at NAB 2013. These solutions are the first of their kind to automate the digitization of videotape, moving content into secure, accessible, and searchable digital storage. SAMMArobot and SAMMAsolo take content from videotape on the shelf into the digital environment using an automated workflow that’s tried and tested in high-profile installations. The SAMMAsolo product line offers a range of migration solutions built to meet specific archive migration needs. From a single SAMMAsolo to a multiple-stream SAMMArobot, efficiency is maximized by encoding to multiple formats simultaneously, while also analyzing content to ensure the quality of the migration.

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Company Quote:

“NAB has evolved over the years as a constant leader in this ever-changing industry. We, too, continue to evolve to keep up with changing consumer habits. Nowhere is that evolution more evident than at this year’s show, where we will demonstrate our latest product updates across our full product line. We think visitors will like what they see.” — Michael Knaisch, President and CEO of Front Porch Digital

Company Overview

Front Porch Digital is the global leader in solutions for migrating, managing, and monetizing media content. Operating on-site and in the cloud, the company’s purpose-built software employs the latest technologies to deliver truly flexible and scalable media workflows. Solutions delivered by Front Porch Digital appropriately manage large and complex media files and workflows while ensuring optimal performance and utmost security. More information is available at fpdigital.com.


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