Home General Various News Firmware update boosts download perf Xbox One by 80%

Firmware update boosts download perf Xbox One by 80%


Interesting, own an Xbox one and are you tired of the slow download performance ? Well, Microsoft rolls out a new firmware update which will solve that and can increase download perf by up-to 80%

Microsoft has rolled out firmware update 10.0.14393.2152 that can significantly pump up download speeds for users with high-end internet connections. The software actually updates the wireless controller’s firmware to improve download speeds.The update helps fast internet speeds the most: if you have a 100Mbps connection or higher, you can see a huge boost of up to 80% faster speeds. Gamers with connections less than 100Mbps, aka the majority of the entire Xbox LIVE framework, will only have their speeds boosted by up to 40%.  The update is available now, and to download it go to Settings->System->Updates to manually trigger the installation. 

Microsoft explains more about the update and its performance enhancements and general improvements :

We’ve made several optimizations to game and app downloads on Xbox One:

  • Customers with high-speed connections (greater than 100Mbps) should experience up to 80% faster download speeds.
  • Customers with connections less than 100Mbps should experience more consistent performance that is up to 40% faster than before.
  • Additional optimizations have also made background downloads more resilient to intermittent connectivity issues.

Download speeds will be influenced by network contention within the home and at the ISP level. Download speeds will also be impacted when games are running on the console as system resources are prioritized for gameplay over background downloads. For more information, visit Troubleshoot slow game or app downloads on Xbox One.

Wireless controller

  • Firmware update to improve performance.
  • Background Music
  • General performance improvements for added reliability and consistent experiences across steaming music apps.
  • Miscellaneous
  • General stability and performance improvements.

The update notes say that anyone with a connection that’s less than 100Mbps should experience more consistent performance that is up to 40% faster than before – which could mean the difference of a few hours when downloading full titles like Gears of War 4 or Forza Horizon 3.

While we all love flashy UI improvements slow download speeds have plagued the system since launch day, so it’s nice to see some work done in this area. 

Now if only we could make some sort of plastic cartridge that had games completely installed on them and didn’t need any sort of day one patch.

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