Home PC Shop Catalogue Software Reviews and Comments Final Draft Version 8

Final Draft Version 8 [Download]


Final Draft Version 8 [Download]

Final Draft Version 8 [Download]

  • No need to learn about script formatting rules-Final Draft automatically paginates and formats your script to industry standards as you write
  • Television show, screenplay, stage play and graphic novel templates are included to help get you started
  • Have your script read back to you by assigning different male and female voices to each of your characters with text-to-speech
  • New XML file format for compatibility with a wide variety of other products

Final Draft 8 combines powerful word processing with professional script formatting in one self-contained, easy-to-use package specifically designed for writing movie scripts, television episodics and stage playsUse your creative energy to focus on the content; let Final Draft take care of the style. Final Draft is the number-one selling application specifically designed for writing movie scripts, television episodics and stage plays. It combines powerful word processing with professional script formatting in one self-contained, easy-to-use package. There is no need to learn about script formatting rules–Final Draft automatically paginates and formats your script to industry standards as you write. Its ease-of-use and time-saving features have attracted writers for almost two decades positioning Final Draft as the Professional Screenwriters Choice. Final Draft power users include Academy, Emmy and BAFTA award winning writers like Oliver Stone, Tom Hanks, Alan Ball, J.J. Abrams, James

List Price: $ 299.00

Price: $ 178.11



  1. 4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    A must for any serious screenwriter, March 21, 2011
    S. Connelly

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Final Draft Version 8 [Download] (Software Download)

    This product does exactly what’s advertised – making formatting your screenwriting project amazingly easy (doing it yourself in Word can be incredibly time-consuming). If you have the money and you are a serious screenwriter, Final Draft is definitely a worthwhile investment. Highly recommended… The ability to download the software by purchasing it on Amazon is also convenient. All around, a great product.

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  2. 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Apologize to your bank account and buy it, September 30, 2011
    Richard Franco

    This review is from: Final Draft Version 8 [Download] (Software Download)

    The price is ridiculous, but if you’re an aspiring screenwriter you simply have to buy this program. It’s the industry standard. Working in any other program makes you seem like a joke. Stop fretting and just buy it. It will hurt your wallet, but help your chances.

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