Home Objective News Today Facebook is Using Humans to Make Your News Feed Better

Facebook is Using Humans to Make Your News Feed Better


Facebook is once again tweaking its News Feed algorithm to make sure its 1.71 billion users walk away feeling informed — and the social media giant is turning to humans for help.

Users in Facebook’s Feed Quality Program already rank how informative they find stories in their feeds on a scale of one to five.

Image: File photo of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg during a town hall at Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California

Image: File photo of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg during a town hall at Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks at a town hall at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, in 2015. STEPHEN LAM / Reuters file

That feedback, along with an individual’s history of clicking, commenting and sharing, among other factors, will be used to create a new ranking signal that helps Facebook predict how informative a specific user will find a story.

“Something that one person finds informative may be different from what another person finds informative,” a Facebook newsroom post said. “This could be a news article on a current event, a story about your favorite celebrity, a piece of local news, a review of an upcoming movie, a recipe or anything that informs you.”

Read More: Smartphone Users Check Facebook 14 Times a Day, Study Says

Last week, Facebook announced it would crack down on “clickbait” headlines and rank them lower so they’re less likely to show up at the top of a person’s News Feed.



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