Home IT Info News Today eWEEKChat Oct. 12: Why DevOps/Agile Development is IT's Fut…

eWEEKChat Oct. 12: Why DevOps/Agile Development is IT's Fut…


Please join us Oct. 12 for a timely eWEEKchat about new-generation application and platform development.

On Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT/7 p.m. GMT, @eWEEKNews will host its 48th monthly #eWEEKChat. The topic will be, “Why DevOps and Agile Development is IT’s Future.” It will be moderated by Chris Preimesberger, eWEEK’s editor of features and analysis.
Some quick facts:
Topic: Why DevOps and Agile Development is IT’s Future
Date/time: Oct. 12, 11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT/7 p.m. GMT

Tweetchat handle: Use #eWEEKChat to follow/participate, but it’s easier and more efficient to use real-time chat room links.

Chat room real-time links: We have two: http://tweetchat.com/room/eweekchat and http://www.tchat.io/rooms/eweekchat. Both work well. Sign in via Twitter and use #eweekchat for the identifier.
“Why DevOps and Agile Development is IT’s Future”
There has been a flurry of activity in the agile and DevOps worlds lately, with vendors providing choices of new software, services and support for developers. See eWEEK’s story here by Darryl K. Taft for more detail.
DevOps emphasizes cooperation between developers and IT operations. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship between software developers and operations by advocating better communication and collaboration between the two business units.
Where once there were difficult professional walls to scale within an enterprise, DevOps is breaking them down and enabling teamwork-type environments.
The goal of agile environments is to get developers to move their applications from source code to production as quickly and painlessly as possible. This means breaking down silos and integrating core components for more simplified development using a contiguous pipeline approach.
High-performance IT organizations using the DevOps approach deploy their services much more frequently and many times faster than average shops. They also have fewer failures and recover data much faster in disaster scenarios; all of this directly impacts an enterprise’s profit margin. See this eWEEK slideshow for more background.
The early reviews and returns on DevOps have been so impactful that more and more companies are turning to this methodology to get development work done. Vendors offering collaboration tools and agile-development platforms are reporting high levels of interest.
In this month’s eWEEKchat, we’ll want to know how your IT team is using DevOps and what benefits it is deriving from the approach. We’ll also be asking the following:
What platform or toolset is your team using for collaboration and rapid development?
How often are you iterating software?
What issues are you seeing — and solving — in moving to a DevOps/agile development?
How would you describe the total ROI of your DevOps operation?
Join us Oct. 12 at 11 a.m. Pacific/2 p.m. Eastern/7 p.m. GMT for an hour. Chances are good that you’ll learn something valuable.

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