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Europe Moving Forward With Mobile Roaming Fee Eliminati…


The European Union has been moving towards an abolishment of roaming fees for years and it’s finally getting close to realizing that goal. As of this week, the European Council has adopted a legal act that’ll limit what mobile operators can charge each other for roaming.

The “roam like at home” policy will start being implemented in the EU by June 15.

Today’s final vote in the Council clears the path for free roaming. When Europeans go on holiday this summer, they can enjoy the freedom of being able to stay in touch and use the Internet as if they were at home. The EU is making our lives easier in very practical ways. – Emmanuel Mallia, Maltese digital minister

“Roam like at home” applies in the 28 current EU member states and it’ll eventually cover European Economic Area countries, which includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

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