Home Objective News Today Discuss: Should Microsoft push Windows 10 out to Windows Phone 8.1 …

Discuss: Should Microsoft push Windows 10 out to Windows Phone 8.1 …



Microsoft’s release of Windows 10 Mobile to its Lumia devices has been fraught with controversy. Aside from the  lack of updates to older devices with weaker processors, even newer devices like the LG Lancet and the HTC One M8 for Windows (which had a guaranteed two-year update promise), didn’t receive the update. All that is in the past now and there’s no need to rehash it, what is curious, however, is Microsoft’s seeming reluctance to release Windows 10 Mobile to the devices which are eligible for it.

While Windows 10 Mobile has been generally available since March this year and has even received a major update in August, the process for getting the update is obscured to all but devout Windows fans who religiously follow tech blogs and/or people who have technically minded family. Unlike Windows Phone 8.1, 8.1 Update 1, or 8.1 Update 2, Microsoft’s Windows update service will not download the update to your phone, in fact – you won’t even know there is an update available. Instead, users will have to search the store fo an app called “Upgrade Advisor” which, when installed and triggered, will now allow you to request the update to your handset. Not only is this different from the update procedure of pretty much every mobile OS in recent history – it also artificially keeps the Windows 10 Mobile userbase from rising.

The latest stats from AdDuplex put Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile at roughly 14% of the Windows Phone market, this affects developers who may want to put in the time to create mobile experiences for their Windows devices. Sure, even if Microsoft knows that Windows phone will never really e a thing, but taking care of the developers  who buy into their goal by providing them with an audience for their apps and services  shouldn’t be too much of a big ask. Windows 10 Mobile is only at 20% of its potential reach at the moment, Microsoft can change that.

So what do you think? Users of devices which originally shipped with Windows Phone 8.1, do you think Microsoft should begin pushing out the update for all users in general? Let us know in the comments below.



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