Home Objective News Today Developer Submission: DVD for Windows now available for all music a…

Developer Submission: DVD for Windows now available for all music a…



DVD for Windows is a new media player in the Windows Store that allows you to play a lot of audio and video files formats without having to install additional codecs on your device!

DVD for Windows supports all popular file formats like VOB, MKV, MOV, M4V etc., so be sure that with this app you can watch and listen to everything.

All Features of DVD for Windows:
– Playback a lot of media formats.
– Supported video formats: .vob, .mkv, .m4v, .avi, .wmv, .wm, .asf, .m2ts, .mov, .mp4v, .3gpp, .3gp, .3gp2, .3g2, .mp4, .matroska.
– Supported audio formats: .mp3, .m4a, .ec3, .ac3, .wav, .adts, .adt, .aac, .wma.
– Creating a playlist. The ability to add files to the playlist and delete them from there.
– The ability to select the audio track in the video (if this video supports multiple audio tracks).
– Support for embedded and external subtitle for video. Formats for the external subtitle: .aqt, .stl, .mpl, .rt, .smi, .srt, .ssa, .stl, .sub, .usf.
– Adjusting the equalizer.

Just try to play at least one file with DVD for Windows, and you no longer want to use something else!

Get DVD for Windows from the Windows Store -.

DVD for Windows

Developer: DENITA

Price: Free+



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