Home IT Info News Today Debunking cancellation rumors, Niantic says Pokemon GO for Apple…

Debunking cancellation rumors, Niantic says Pokemon GO for Apple…



When Niantic first showed a Pokemon Go app for Apple Watch back in September, the only sort of launch date the company would give was by “the end of the year.”

As December 31st quickly approaches, PoGo fans are starting to wonder if Niantic will ship things in 2016 after all. With wondering and doubt comes ample opportunity for rumors to spiral out of control.

An email started circulating via reddit early this morning; supposedly sent by a Niantic customer service agent, it claimed the “port for the Apple Watch has been shelved” and that development had been stopped.

While a few sites took the rumor and ran with it, it all seemed… a bit off, to us. Apple had featured it in its own announcement; to quietly kill it off months later would’ve burned some pretty crucial bridges.

So we reached out to Niantic. The company is often quick to the no-comment when it comes to hearsay — but in this case, a rep for the company put it in clear terms:

Thanks for checking with us! The image in that Reddit post is not real.

Development on Pokémon GO continues, as it has since before the Apple announcement. We’ll have more news on the product soon.

Meanwhile, the official PokemonGo twitter feed says:

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