Home IT Hardware Assets Deals of the Day (12-23-2016)

Deals of the Day (12-23-2016)


Your New Year’s resolution is to exercise more… or at least to spend less time sitting. Great. But how are you going to make sure you actually follow through?

While researchers have found that Fitbit-style activity trackers might not actually help most people lose weight, they can certainly help you set a goal and point out when you’re not meeting it. If you’re motivated enough, they can definitely come in handy… and these days you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg on one.

Verizon is currently selling the Fitbit Charge for $40. Target has model with a heart rate sensor for $10 more. And A4C is selling a Misfit Flash for just $10.

Here are some of the day’s best deals.

Activity trackers

Bluetooth speakers

Other devices and accessories

You can find more bargains in our daily deals section.

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