Home Technology News Today Deal: get the HP Elite x3 Holiday Bundle at 30% off

Deal: get the HP Elite x3 Holiday Bundle at 30% off


If somehow your spending budget is still healthy after this week’s deals, the Microsoft Store is holding a rather interesting on the HP Elite x3. For a limited time, you can get your hands on a bundle containing the phone itself, the notebook dock, a desk dock, a case, and a screen protector for $999.99.

In the past few days, we’ve talked about a lot of interesting deals on smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. However, this one is a real money saver, shaving $462 out of the added retail price of all of the components in the bundle.

Obviously, this isn’t a deal for everyone, and that’s for reasons that go beyond the $1000 price tag associated with the HP Elite x3 holiday bundle. There can be no denying that the HP Elite x3 isn’t an interesting idea, a smartphone that can morph into a notebook or a small video player depending on the accessory you hook it up on. However, Windows 10 Mobile isn’t up to par with Android and iOS in terms of app quality and variety, and there’s enough reason to believe that the gap won’t be bridged anytime soon. On the other hand, if you know that you’re ok with Windows 10 Mobile, you can get a blazing-fast smartphone that makes full use of Microsoft’s Continuum as all of the accessories you’re ever going to need, all at 30% off the usual price. 

What do you guys make of this promotion? Deal or no deal?

source: Microsoft Store

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