Home IT Info News Today Crunch Report | Kobe Bryant gets into the VC game

Crunch Report | Kobe Bryant gets into the VC game


All 44 startups that launched at Y Combinator S16 Demo Day 1

1 hour ago by Josh Constine, Lucas Matney, John Mannes

Happy 25th birthday, Linux

7 hours ago by John Biggs

After nearly two years, NASA regains contact with lost spacecraft

2 hours ago by Emily Calandrelli

Coding needs a new youth movement

2 hours ago by Josh Seides

Media.net acquired for $900M in mega ad-tech deal

15 hours ago by John Mannes

LendUp fights big banks with $47M for compassionate credit cards

5 hours ago by Josh Constine

Kobe Bryant is launching a $100 million investment fund

19 hours ago by Jon Russell

Drone startup Aptonomy introduces the self-flying security guard

16 hours ago by Lora Kolodny

Android Nougat comes out of beta

10 hours ago by Frederic Lardinois

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