Home IT Hardware Assets Christmas Game Bundles: Civilization VI, Doom, Hitman, Ser…

Christmas Game Bundles: Civilization VI, Doom, Hitman, Ser…


In recent days AMD, NVIDIA and HTC have initiated three new free game campaigns in an attempt to attract attention of gamers to their hardware. AMD will add a free copy of the latest Hitman game to its Radeon RX 470 graphics adapters, as well as Civilization VI and Doom to those who buy a Radeon RX 480 video card and Intel’s Core i5-6600K CPU. Meanwhile NVIDIA has teamed up with HTC to bundle three free virtual reality titles (including Serious Sam VR) to those who buy a qualifying GeForce GTX 1060/1070/1080 along with the HTC Vive VR headset.

AMD Game Bundles: Civilization VI, Doom, Hitman

AMD will include a voucher for Hitman The Complete First Season on Steam as a bundle with any Radeon RX 470 video card purchased from an eligible retailer or a PC featuring the adapter from a qualifying system integrator. The campaign runs globally (with exception of China and Japan) and lasts until February 22, 2017, or when AMD depletes its supply of codes.

AMD has also teamed up with popular retailers to provide Steam codes for Doom and Sid Meier’s Civilization VI to those who buy an Intel Core i5-6600K CPU and a select AMD Radeon RX 480 video card from MSI (in the U.S.) or Sapphire (in Europe) from a participating retailer. In the U.S., you must buy from Newegg and the campaign ends on December 31 or when AMD runs out of codes. In Europe, the list of participating retailers includes Overclockers UK, LDLC and CSL and the campaign runs through January 15 or while supplies of codes last.

AMD’s Civilization IV, Doom and Hitman Campaigns
Hardware Game Campaign End Date
AMD Radeon RX 470 Hitman (Complete Season) February 22, 2017
AMD Radeon RX 480 Civilization VI January 15, 2017
MSI Radeon RX 480

Intel Core i5-6600K

(Newegg only)
Doom, Civilization December 31, 2016
Sapphire Radeon RX 480

Intel Core i5-6600K

(OcUK, LDLC, CSL only)
Doom, Civilization January 15, 2017
AM3+ Motherboard for $99+ Doom January 27, 2017

Keep in mind that AMD is also bundling Doom with select AM3+ motherboards priced over $99, as well as Civilization VI with all Radeon RX 480 graphics adapters. As usual, more information about all the current AMD promotions is available from the AMD Rewards web site.

NVDIA Game Bundles: Raw Data, Serious Sam VR, and Sports Bar VR

In a bid to lure early adopters of VR into their respective camps, NVIDIA teamed up with HTC to provide free game codes for Raw Data, Serious Sam VR, and Sports Bar VR to those who buy a GeForce GTX 1060/1070/1080 graphics card (or a PC featuring one of the GPUs) along with an HTC Vive from a participating retailer or system integrator. The campaign runs globally (except China) through January 31 or while supplies last. At press time, the list of NVIDIA’s partners for the campaign in the U.S. included Newegg and Microsoft Store, but NVIDIA said that the number of participating partners would increase over time.

NVIDIA’s VR and Watch_Dogs 2 Campaigns
Hardware Game Campaign End Date
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060/1070/1080 Raw Data

Serious Sam VR

Sports Bar VR
January 31, 2017
Desktop/Laptop Featuring GeForce GTX 1060/1070/1080
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070/1080 Watch_Dogs 2 December 19, 2016
Laptop Featuring GeForce GTX 1070/1080

It is also noteworthy that NVIDIA is still bundling Watch_Dogs 2 with select GeForce GTX 1070/1080 video cards and laptops carrying mobile versions of the graphics processors through December 19. Unfortunately, the two offers may not be combined and you are not going to get four free games with one huge purchase.

Related Reading:

  • Game Bundles: Get Civilization VI, Doom, Watch_Dogs 2 for Free with AMD, NVIDIA and Samsung Hardware
  • AMD Delivers Crimson ReLive Drivers: Yearly Feature Update for Radeon Gamers and Professionals
  • NVIDIA Releases 376.19 WHQL Driver Update: Game Ready Oculus Touch and Two Giveaways

Sources: AMD, NVIDIA.

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