Home IT Hardware Assets Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Single Player (PS4) Review

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Single Player (PS4) Review


Everyone wants their new Call of Duty game at the end of the year. This year, Treyarch brings you Infinite Warfare. Call of Duty has been stuck in a rut for the past couple of years, but it seems to have finally broke out of this never-ending cycle of repetitive games, a little, at least in the campaign.


The premise of the single-player isn’t very mind blowing. It’s pretty much something along the lines of humanity exploiting all our resources then heading out into the solar system to get more resources because we are just consumers who don’t really care about sustainability, then you get an evil separatist league of militants called the Settlement Defense Front (SDF) that believes war and violence are the solution to everything in life. They attack the remaining colonies and head for Earth.


I was a bit disappointed in the plot, the story seems a bit plain and thin. Kit Harrington, more well-known as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones is your lead antagonist and I expected him to play a larger part in the story, but he kind of remained in your HUD as this tiny angry face and then he just [spoiler alert] died.


The unimpressive plot is however, salvaged by the thick interpersonal relationships found within the game. Between soldiers and comrades, as well as this droid known as Ethan who’s just so humanoid and entertaining. Death, camaraderie and sacrifice were things worth contemplating as you play through the single-player experience. I don’t feel that it has struck me quite as hard as Battlefield 1’s doom and gloom atmosphere, but it carries across the message in a more light-hearted manner.


Gameplay in the single-player campaign was fluid and fun. It wasn’t just linear like the old Call of duty series where you just play through a story. Now you get to choose your missions in the order you want (more of the side missions), and then you get to tackle main missions in a chronological order. Your missions grade you upgrades to increase your chances of survival in your next few missions and help unlock weapons. Interesting enough, you can now choose your starting loadout just like in multiplayer.


Treyarch has also added in air combat where you run your jackal in space and shoot down enemy fighters. The air combat is fairly basic, but still just as addictive.

All in all, I think that Infinite Warfare is a pretty decent single player experience. It doesn’t really shout Wow, but its not like Advanced Warfare or Ghosts, which were both fairly meh. In the midst of a year where first-person shooters like Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 are released, Infinite Warfare might find it hard to emerge at the top of the charts this year.

About the Autv-modahor

A Dentist-To-Be Dabbling in Tech Journalism:

Zayne is a writer who reports for VR-Zone, Stuff Singapore and The New Paper on all things tech-related. Follow this geek on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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