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Booming automobile electronics business to benefit Taiw…


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Booming automobile electronics business to benefit Taiwan backend IC service firms
Julian Ho, Taipei; Steve Shen, DIGITIMES [Monday 27 November 2017]

Taiwan-based IC backend service firms including Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE), Etrend Hightech, Lingsen Precision Industries and GEM Services are to benefit from the ongoing focus on automobile electronics devices by global IDMs such as Infineon Technologies and NXP Semiconductors, according to industry sources.

ASE and GEM Services are the two leading backend service firms for MOSFET chips, said the sources, noting that ASE is expected to generate revenues of NT$2-3 billion (US$66.69-100.03 million) from the power semiconductor sector, while GEM Services will scoop up another NT$3 billion.

The market conditions for backend services of MOSFET chips will continue to be on the side of service suppliers in 2018, commented the sources.

Automobile semiconductors currently account for 11% and 14%, respectively, of Infineon and NXP total revenues, the sources indicated, adding that the two firms are expected to continue to enhance their presence in the ADAS as well as electric and autonomous driving sectors.

The booming automobile electronics business will also help ramp up revenues at backend services for analog ICs, power semiconductors and power modules, the sources added.


Categories: Bits + chips IC design, distribution IC manufacturing

Tags: electronics Etrend Hightech IC Lingsen MOSFET Taiwan

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