Home IT Info News Today Bellwether Media Joins Mackin’s Extensive Collection Of Ebooks

Bellwether Media Joins Mackin’s Extensive Collection Of Ebooks


BURNSVILLE, Minn. (November 10, 2011) – Mackin Educational Resources has added Bellwether ebooks to their ever-widening collection of nearly 20,000 ebooks from respected publishers.

Highly acclaimed for presenting complicated information in a manner that’s easy to understand, Bellwether publishes engaging reading materials to captivate and educate both beginning and reluctant readers. Filled with bold, bright graphics and high-quality photography, Bellwether’s ebooks feature keyword search capabilities, flipping pages with sound to engage young readers, and bookmarking capabilities.

Bellwether ebooks (published under the Blastoff! Readers, Pilot Books, and Torque Books imprints) include unlimited, simultaneous access from any computer with an Internet connection. Schools and libraries can use their Mackin VIA program to easily access their Bellwether and other ebooks, or the library’s online catalog.

More information and Bellwether ebook demos can be viewed at Mackin.com.

“We are adding new ebook products every month to our vast selection,” said Mackin president Randal Heise. “Ebooks are becoming an important aspect of many schools, so we continue to provide more products from the most respected publishers.”

Mackin Educational Resources has been providing library and classroom materials to PK-12 schools for 27 years. Known for its unparalleled customer care and customization, Mackin provides library and classroom books, ebooks and online databases, DVDs and more to schools around the globe.

For more information or to order, go to Mackin.com or call 800-245-9540.


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