Home General Various News Battlefield V Raytracing Features are now enabled (Initial b…

Battlefield V Raytracing Features are now enabled (Initial b…


DICE just posted a tweet in which they make clear that starting today Raytracing is supported for cards that can deal with it through a Day-Zero Patch. That is good news for GeForce RTX owners.

It has been a long wait for early adopters of GeForce RTX 2070, 2080 and 2080 Ti cards as this is now the first official title that supports the feature. Paired with GeForce 416.94 WHQL drivers, Windows 10 1809 and a patched Battlefield V you’ll be in for a surprise, the performance drops with roughly 50% at a resolution of 1920×1080. That’s still a very playable framerate, however, at high resolutions, the fun will be gone real fast. DICE, however, is bringing you some options, as you can RTX select levels; off, low, medium, high, and ultra as choices of RTX level of graphics detail under. You’ll spot this under the DXR ray-traced reflections quality” setting. We’ll be checking out the effect of Raytracing relative in performance as soon as we can and update the numbers in our Battlefield V performance analysis as soon.



Update: I have some early numbers on RTX scaling. The performance hit is significant. It looks like the Ultra setting has been designed to manage 60 FPS at 1080p, that’s with the fastest RTX card available on the globe though. Below an early result set. I am currently updating a Z390/9900K rig towards Windows 10 Fall edition and will redo testing there to see if I can see any improvements being a less CPU tied. We’re not going to rush out numbers, I want to present a solid set of data. 


I’ve just finished the first preliminary set of test results, above the RTX 2080 Ti. The perf hit is rather massive. More than double compared to ‘just shader’ engine performance. The Ultra, High and Medium preset for RTX gives roughly the same performance, only once you switch RTX to LOW the performance goes up significantly. We’re not sure if this is a bug just yet.


Next up, the GeForce RTX 2080. If I am following the RTX Ultra setting we average out at 33 FPS in quad HD. In Full HD the game is still very enjoyable at a nice 48 FPS. Remember, we test in a very stringent scene with loads of track marks, water, vegetation leaves and really .. lots of explosions. What I am saying is that our scene is rather heavy overall.  



Last in line, the GeForce RTX 2070. At Full HD in Ultra RTX settings, you’re looking at 36 FPS, in WQHD that already becomes unplayable at 27 FPS.  Medium RTX quality settings, however, would bring you to roughly 40 FPS at 2560×1440.

I know everybody is attacking the performance drops, but may I just add, it just looks beautiful. Below (thumbnails) you can see some screenshots I took, look at the reflections in the water. Also, I have to say, DX12 felt a bit more refined as something seems to be caching a lot better with the new patch.

Further results and comments will be posted in our Battlefield V performance analysis.

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