Home Objective News Today Azure Analysis Services preview update brings the ability to scale …

Azure Analysis Services preview update brings the ability to scale …


Built on the proven analytics engine in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services provides enterprise-grade data modeling in the cloud. It is compatible with the SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services Enterprise Edition and supports tabular models at the 1200 compatibility level. DirectQuery, partitions, row-level security, bi-directional relationships, and translations are all supported. Microsoft today announced a new update for the Azure Analysis Services preview that brings the ability to scale up or scale down the capacity of a server after it has been created.

For example, if there is a particular time of year when you expect query volume to be higher, you can simply scale the service up to get more QPUs. After that period is over, you can reduce your capacity by simply scaling down. The ability to scale up and down and adapt to changing workload demand is a one of the benefits of using Azure Analysis Services to host your models.

Learn more about this new feature -.



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