Virtual Reality has now become a part of our lives in many regards. Facebook uses the functionality for advertising as well as viewing panoramic shots. Youtube lets you watch videos in 360 degrees. We have previously covered attempts to use VR in medicine. Now, charities are harnessing the potential VR provides to help raise awareness. Alzheimers Australia Vic has launched such an app, but could be used here in Singapore. The app is called EDIE, and it is entirely free.
EDIE and the struggle against Dementia
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The Sunday Morning Herald in Australia published the story today. Dr. Tanya Petrovich spoke to the paper to explain the reasoning behind making this application. “The idea is you step into the shoes of a person named Edie, who’s living at home with his wife, and who is living with dementia,” she says. Players get to experience a night in the life of Edie as he gets up to use the bathroom. Petrovich explains that what this app helps to raise awareness is how deep Alzheimer’s and dementia can affect someone.

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While most think that it only affects memory, dementia has far more profound implications. For example, perception is heavily impacted by dementia. “For you and me a pattern is easy to distinguish, but for a person living with dementia a pattern can appear to be moving, or it could even appear to be an animal. It could appear to be cockroaches or ants,” Dr. Petrovich adds. Dementia also affects other senses, but these are not present with this app.

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When you open the app, you are immediately thrown into a sensory nightmare. Loud noises, sudden shadows, and a frustrated wife are all part of the experience. To make matters worse, the more you see, the stronger your heartbeat becomes. Edie is more effective as a horror experience than many games are. Unfortunately, it is a reality that many older people experience.
How this could help Singapore

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While published in Australia; this app is free to download virtually anywhere. Also, it is important to note that right now this is only a short scenario. A second coming for a workshop to help carers for dementia. Nonetheless, this is an essential app to help understand dementia. Either those interested in the issues surrounding dementia, or knows someone who suffers from it must get EDIE.

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Singapore has an ageing population, and dementia is a very real threat. According to the Alzheimers Disease Association (ADA), there were 22,000 diagnosed Singaporeans aged 65 and above. 53,000 are expected to be diagnosed by 2020. Dementia is a terrible disease that can be terrible burdens on families. This app is vital to help understand what a sufferer of dementia goes through on a daily basis.

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Those of you with family members suffering from Dementia, download the app now and get your hands on a Google Cardboard headset. They’re cheap and readily available anywhere.