ASUS is conscious {that a} new sub-class of speculative execution side-channel vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs, known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS), also called ZombieLoad, RIDL, and Fallout, could enable data disclosure. Intel states that chosen eighth and ninth Generation Intel Core processors, in addition to the 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processor household, are usually not weak to MDS. If you’re utilizing one among these processors, no additional motion is critical.
For different Intel processors, ASUS is working carefully with Intel to offer an answer in a forthcoming BIOS replace. We suggest homeowners of affected merchandise replace each the BIOS and working system as quickly as these mitigations can be found. Please discover our first-wave mannequin checklist under and obtain the suitable BIOS replace from the ASUS Support web site. More particulars, together with affected programs, might be added to this doc as they change into accessible.