Apple’s rollout of iOS 10, the latest version of its mobile operating system, has experienced a few glitches since it began on Tuesday. One significant bug, now fixed, caused T-Mobile customers with several types of iPhones to lose their network connections.
The disconnection problems also appear to have affected some U.S. users with MetroPCS, T-Mobile’s pre-paid cellular brand, as well as some Australian users with Telstra.
Meanwhile, Apple’s new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, along with the Apple Watch Series 2, are going on sale today in 29 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K. A number of reports point to strong sales, with the devices already going out of stock in some places. Some buyers in the U.S. and U.K. are being told they might not see delivery for several weeks.
Wait Until November for Some iPhone 7 Models
Unlike with past iPhone releases, Apple has said it will not be announcing first-weekend sales figures for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. “[A]s we have expanded our distribution through carriers and resellers to hundreds of thousands of locations around the world, we are now at a point where we know before taking the first customer pre-order that we will sell out of iPhone 7,” the company said in a statement to CNBC Now last week.
In an investment note released Monday, Gene Munster, an analyst with the financial services firm Piper Jaffray, said that he expected to see the iPhone 7 produce a year-on-year revenue increase for Apple of 11 percent. That suggests the new devices will have better sales than the iPhone 6s, which launched last September.
Apple has already reported running out of every color of the iPhone 7 Plus, according to a report yesterday in the International Business Times. Citing a statement from Apple, the publication said the jet black version of the iPhone 7 will also be unavailable in stores; customers who order online might not see some models arrive until November.
Quick Fix for T-Mobile Users
Shortly after Apple released iOS 10 Tuesday, reports began emerging that the updated operating system caused problems for T-Mobile customers using the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone SE.
In a tweet Thursday, T-Mobile CTO Neville Ray said that customers with those devices should avoid upgrading to iOS 10 “until we advise.” He added Apple expected to resolve the issue within 48 hours, but posted another tweet late last night indicating that the fix had already gone live.
Described by Apple as its “biggest iOS release ever,” iOS 10 introduces a number of improvements to the Siri digital assistant, including new integration with apps so users can speak with Siri for photo searches, payments, messaging and booking car rides. Among the other new features of iOS 10 are new emojis, messaging effects and touch controls, along with upgrades to Maps, News and Apple Music.