Home IT Info News Today Apps for holiday shopping

Apps for holiday shopping


The holidays are almost here and there is still a little time left for last-minute shopping. Instead of sifting though all your discount emails, we found some apps that will help you save money and make both your online and in-store shopping experience easier.

slice-iosOnline shoppers may want to check out Slice, which makes it easier to monitor shipments. There’s no need to input any tracking codes because the app syncs with your email to notify you when packages are on the way. You can also save money with the price drop alerts and see a budget chart to get a sense of your spending by category. Slice also saves receipts and alerts you to product recalls. The app is free and available on iPhone, Android and the Apple Watch.

retailmenot-iosRetailMeNot will ensure that you never miss a sale again. The app aggregates all the sales for all major brands, showcasing both digital and in-store deals. Whether you’re planning to buy something at Macy’s or Victoria’s Secret, RetailMeNot highlights the best deals and keeps a database of all the coupon codes.

There’s also a deal map to see discounts nearby. And for those of you who get hungry while shopping, the coupons for food court restaurants could come in handy. The app is free and available on both the iPhone and Android.

curbside-iosThe worst part about last-minute holiday shopping is the lines, which is why we’re excited about Curbside. The app lets you order ahead of time and pick up your items outside of the store in about an hour.They’ll even bring it to your car. Curbside has secured partnerships with big brands like CVS, and Sephora and is working to expand throughout the United States. The app is free and available on iPhones and Android.

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