Home Technology News Today Apple will soon kill off non-functional and abandoned apps

Apple will soon kill off non-functional and abandoned apps


The iOS App Store offers a vast library of apps and games well into the millions, many of which are used daily and catch regular updates. Over its eight-year lifespan, though, the App Store has accumulated swathes of useless, non-functional, or otherwise dead apps that have long been abandoned by their developers. With such apps occupying virtual shelf space that could be better allocated, Apple has decided on a clear out. Henceforth, devs will have the best part of a month to fix their problematic apps before Apple deletes them, while apps that simply crash upon launch will be axed even sooner. 

This very late / early spring cleaning will come as a relief to many iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users, as well those behind active apps. The ranking and ratings systems mean that even now, it’s relatively easy to find what’s new and worth downloading. But to be rid of the clutter will make everyone’s life just that little bit easier moving forward. 
In an email sent out to developers earlier today, Apple also indicated that it will also be shortening the maximum length of app names to 50 characters. Some developers purposely elongate their titles, squeezing in as many keywords as they can to essentially game the algorithm and move up the rankings. With a 50-character limit, Cupertino hopes to keep such abuse down to a minimum. 
This initiative will kick off on September 7th, prompting a 30-day countdown for developers to get their apps in order. The date is of particular significance because it’s also when Apple is expected to unveil the new iPhone 7. With the final public version of iOS 10 likely to launch on the 7th or shortly thereafter, the fruit company is seizing the opportunity to rid the App Store of excess baggage.

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