Home Objective News Today Apple Ditches Its Iconic Start-up Chime

Apple Ditches Its Iconic Start-up Chime


Apple is in feature deleting mode. First, headphone jacks on the iPhone 7. Then, tethers on its display phones. And last week it got rid of the function keys on the new MacBook Pros and replaced them with a touch bar.

But one more thing.

When you power up one of the newly unveiled MacBook Pros, you might find that something very familiar is missing: a gong. Apple has ditched the start-up “chime.”

Related: Apple Isn’t Done Axing Its Features

For some users, the sound is an iconic part of the Apple experience that goes back to the 80’s. Others may rejoice that they’ll no longer catch dirty looks from the librarian.

The move was first noticed by a Mac user who found the chime was gone from his computer and references to the chime had also been deleted from Apple’s support notes.

Some have speculated that because the new MacBooks automatically turn on when they’re opened, there’s no need to indicate the machine is booting up anymore.

For those who miss a loud gong announcing that they’ve turned on their computer, there are already instructions floating around on how to re-enable it — though you’ll have to be savvy enough to get under your computer’s hood.

For the rest of us, we can sit back and let this recap of Mac start-up sounds through the ages wash over us:

Apple didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment or confirmation.



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