Home Update Angular provides error codes, debugging guides

Angular provides error codes, debugging guides

Angular adds error codes, debugging guides

To enhance debugging and assist builders remedy issues faster, the builders behind the Angular JavaScript framework have launched standardized error codes and debugging guides for the platform.

Error codes are featured within the Angular 11.1.zero launch, which was revealed January 20. The commonest Angular error messages have been fitted with standardized error codes, particulars, and formatting.

Angular error messages begin with NG, to assist differentiate Angular-specific errors from TypeScript errors and browser messaging. The subsequent quantity within the message signifies kind, with runtime errors starting with zero and compiler points sustaining their present quantity house of 1 by 9. The purpose of those modifications is to assist builders acknowledge framework errors and make them extra searchable.

Also added to error messages is a hyperlink to angular.io/errors, the place you’ll discover descriptions of the most typical errors and guides for debugging them. A sequence of Angular debugging movies is now out there on YouTube.

The Angular 11.1.zero level launch, accessible on GitHub, gives efficiency enhancements, enhancements for the compiler and language service, and a mess of bug fixes. Angular 12, anticipated to reach in May, is ready to function extra enhancements to error messaging and the ng-linker for distributing Ivy libraries to NPM.

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